Toronto Cactus and Succulent Club's Show & Sale Information - Toronto Cactus & Succulent Club

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Club's Annual Show & Sale 2024 is held on June 16h (Sunday) at Toronto Botanical Garden, in the Floral Hall.
Club's Plants Sale is held on Aug 25st (Sunday) at Toronto Botanical Garden, in the Floral Hall.

The Show & Sale is open to the general public from 10:00 am. until 4:00 pm.  This event has free admission and is wheelchair accessible.
The plant show consists of 45 classes for cactus plants (groups of plants for judging), 35 classes for other succulents, 17 novice classes, 5 decorative (succulent bonsai, dish garden, design) classes, and 2 educational classes. The Show Rules & Schedule provides complete details of the show classes and entry details.  Only members of the club may enter plants in the show.
Plant sales tables are available for any member of the club to sell plants.  The choice of plants is quite varied and usually includes rare plants that are difficult to obtain elsewhere.  However, we have no idea what may be available until the day of the sale, so please don't ask.  
Because many of the south african Mesembryanthemaceae family of plants (which includes the "living stones") are dormant in June, in addition to the classes in this show, the club also holds a special show for these plants at its October meeting.  If you would like to see this show you are welcome to attend the October meeting.  Go to the meeting schedule page for further details about this.

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Thank you for supporting the Club!
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